
Our Historical Object collections consist of numerous smaller collections and includes artifacts related to high fashion, 科学 & 科技、工业、交通、体育 & 娱乐、宗教和联合航站楼. 我们认为自己是辛辛那提遗产的管家, 盖尔的历史收藏就像是这座城市的宝库.

High fashion and everyday dress of the past 175 years is represented in our collection of historic clothing. 它由女性和男性的正式服装组成, 婚纱礼服, 时尚饰品, 日常业务和工人的服装, 儿童服装和军装. Pieces from local 19th and early 20th century furniture and clock manufacturers such as Read & 沃森(1809-1816),鲁曼·沃森(1819-1836),沃尔特和米德公司., J. Dornette有限公司., Mitchell and Rammelsburg and Front Street Furniture Factory are part of the holdings, 还有普特南公司的机床.辛辛那提螺丝公司 & 自来水有限公司.辛辛那提螺丝公司 & 自来水有限公司.LeBlond公司.,洛奇 & Shipley和其他当地制造商.

PFC第二次世界大战科学 & 技术分集包括数百个手术包, 显微镜, 牙科设备, 医疗家具, 测量和导航仪器, 测量装置, 天平和实验品. 手术技术的变化, anesthesia and sterilization during and after the American Civil War are documented in the collection. Agricultural implements and other artifacts that supported the daily existence of earlier generations of Cincinnatians are present, 工具也是如此, 工匠的材料和产品-铁匠, 家具工, 做, 银匠, 钟表匠, 裁缝和女裁缝, 例如.

A broad range of objects documenting the industrial heritage of the greater Cincinnati region are present in the collection. 例如, several hundred beer bottles in the collection reflect the various periods of production and the more than one hundred breweries that operated in Cincinnati between 1806 and 1919. 该系列还包括啤酒桶, 啤酒厂和酒馆玻璃器皿, 广告托盘, 装饰标志和平版印刷艺术.


藏品中最大的交通工具是2435号有轨电车, 1923年由辛辛那提汽车公司生产. 其他车辆还包括一辆1910年的K型沙赫特敞篷车, 一辆1925年福特T型车, 两辆克罗斯利汽车, ca. 1951年,和一架Aeronca 65L(串联教练机)飞机. The railroad collection includes materials and building components related to Cincinnati 结合终端.

广泛的人工制品类别包括声音通信设备, 广播, 印刷, 摄影, 书面交流和印刷. 许多这样的物品都是博物馆藏品的一部分.

数以百计的辛辛那提政治竞选按钮, 奖牌, 徽章, ribbons and 横幅s from all periods make up a large portion of the documentary object sub-collection. 自19世纪初开始使用, political campaign pieces reflect not only the local political races and issues but also state and national campaigns. 其他记录文物是工会的徽章和徽章, 警察和消防部门的徽章, 以及与商业相关的符号, 学校, 青年组织, 俱乐部, 兄弟组织, 博览会, 展览会及庆祝活动.

运动和娱乐类包含各种棒球, 足球, 篮球, 田径及相关器物及配件. 这个类别也有很多玩具, 游戏和建筑套装在辛辛那提流行了几十年, 包括卡莱尔公司生产的电动火车 & 芬奇有限公司.19世纪晚期,戈德史密斯公司(Goldsmith Co .)生产的娃娃.Kenner玩具公司的现代星球大战和Nerf玩具. The musical instrument sub-collection has grown in recent years to include two Cincinnati-made player pianos, 两个泵浦器官, 一架方形三角钢琴和一架休特钢琴. 1875年长笛. The big band instruments of WLW performer Harry Raiburn and the jazz trumpet of Frankie Brown are also part of the collection.

新教和天主教的仪式器物, 圣坛雕刻, 交流集, crucifixes and prayer books of the late 19th and early 20th centuries dominate the religion sub-collection as a reflection of the Irish, 在辛辛那提定居的英国和德国移民.

We have a special sub-collection that consists of furnishings and building elements from the original 结合终端 train station. The 结合终端 collection is used to interpret the history of 结合终端. The objects in this collection are not accessioned because they may be restored or altered to meet current and/or future interpretive plans. Activity of the 结合终端 collection is closely tied to the progress of the 结合终端 Building Master Plan. Elements within the 结合终端 collections will be restored and utilized as needed for programming and historic interpretation of 结合终端.



尽管辛辛那提历史学会成立于1831年, 它的收集主要集中在档案材料上. A concerted effort to actively collect the material culture of the region began in 1986, 当时计划在辛辛那提联合车站建立一个博物馆. At that time a Curator of Historical Collections was hired to manage the collecting and research and preserve the 历史文物和美术品 collected. The Curator of Historical Collections also assisted in the design and installation of museum exhibits. The 历史文物 Collection has grown from a relatively modest collection of approximately 10,000件文物在1989年增加到40多件,2010年有1000件文物. 1990年末,历史文物和美术收藏被搬到了8号楼,在联合客运大楼的下层有一个000平方英尺的储藏室.

A part-time Curator of Costumes was hired in early 1991 to oversee the collecting, 编目, 研究和照顾历史服装和装饰艺术收藏. The curator retired in 2002, and the position was left vacant for budgetary reasons. A part-time cataloguer was hired in 1992 to assist in cataloguing the collection and data entry. 编目员还协助策展人并管理几名志愿者. 这个职位在1998年裁员时被取消.

In 2001, the 历史文物 Collection was moved to its current location at the Geier Collections & 研究中心. Small 历史文物和美术品 are arranged in a 5,063 square foot second floor storeroom. 大型工业物品和车辆存放在一个4,在大楼的下层有039平方英尺的空间.


美术收藏品包括1万多件,500幅油画, 水彩画, 打印, 雕刻, 平版版画及雕塑. 这些碎片代表着人民, 网站, 辛辛那提和俄亥俄州西南部的艺术家和自然世界. Among the most historically significant and prized pieces of the collection are nine 水彩画 by John Casper Wild that capture views of 1835 Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. 其他值得注意的作品包括 坚拿街街市, 1860年,亨利·莫斯勒; 来自肯塔基州科文顿的辛辛那提, c.1850年,罗伯特·S. Duncanson; 奴隶拍卖, c.1860年,查尔斯·T. Weber; and 亚当斯山斜坡, c.1900年,路易斯·C. 沃格特. The Nature Art holdings are a sub-collection within 美术 and are comprised of hundreds of 图纸 and paintings, 包括约翰J. 奥杜邦的旅鸽. The Nature Art material became part of the 美术 Collection with the merger of the 自然历史博物馆 & 科学和辛辛那提历史学会1996年出版的.

集合存储在1中,530 square foot climate-controlled storeroom at the 盖尔收藏与研究中心. 装裱历史艺术, 油画, 水彩画和石版画, 存放在22个移动艺术品存储架上. 无边框的打印, 图纸, 雕刻和平版印刷是交错的,并存储在多个平面文件. 雕塑存放在开放式架子上.


辛辛那提历史学会从19世纪开始收藏精美的艺术品, 当绘画, 版画和雕塑是由辛辛那提家族和公司捐赠的. 此时此刻, most of the paintings were displayed on the walls of the library and busts and other sculpture were displayed in the main reading room. 从1981年开始, about 400 pieces from the art collection were professionally conserved through a special program sponsored by the First National Bank of Cincinnati. These pieces were of Cincinnati-related subjects and works by Cincinnati artists selected for their significance. 作为项目的一部分,物品被清洁、修复和重新设计.

在1990年末, the 美术 Collection was moved from its old storage location in the Cincinnati Historical Society Eden Park building to an 800 square foot storeroom in the lower level of the new Cincinnati Museum Center at 结合终端. 1995年,自然艺术收藏与美术收藏合并. In 2001, the 美术 Collection was moved to its present location at the Geier Center. 今天, the 美术 Collection is widely exhibited throughout Cincinnati Museum Center and is actively used in research and publications.


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